Sunday, October 23, 2011

Like Crazy Movie Trailer online

Two event shows designed their bow recently evening at the BFI Ones Movie Celebration, Like Insane and 50/50. They had a few items in common: both saw interactions going less-than-smoothly; both are a bit surprising and chilly than you'd think, and both celebrity some of the chilly fresh characters around.

First up, writer/director Drake Doremus and celebrity Felicity Jackson were in area for Like Insane, which encounters Jackson as a fresh British student who drops for an United states (Anton Yelchin) but encounters the ambiance run into issues when she is thrown from the place for outstaying her charge. There's able service from companies Jennifer Lawrence, the The twilight series Saga's Charlie Bewley and Alex Kingston as well - not bad going for such a disgustingly fresh home (he's only 28).

Like Crazy Movie Trailer online

Then there was 50/50, the "cancer comedy" wherein John Gordon-Levitt is taken ill and has to change his living accordingly - a practice that normally has an result upon his associates (including Seth Rogen) and his lover (Bryce Facilities Howard). He's also given, as piece of his procedure method, a doctorate selection to evaluate his situation (Anna Kendrick). Rogen and Kendrick were both on side last week, seeing the film off in design.

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